The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM)

The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) is a major independent centre of scientific excellence in the fields of occupational and environmental health, hygiene and safety and has established a leading presence on chemical- and nanotechnology-risk issues through an international reputation in assessing the risk of small particles and fibres. The institute has expertise in hazard, exposure and risk assessment for workplace hazards, including nanomaterials and nanotechnology in support of regulation and industrial innovation.

Role in the project:

IOM will be mostly active in WP3 (Multiscale Modelling Approaches) and WP7 (International Collaboration for Global Impact), and as such will have a varied role. In WP3, IOM will lead a task which manages the SUNSHINE Open & FAIR database system (T3.4), providing curation of data and assurance of adherence to FAIR data principles, and will also lead the task on statistical modelling (T3.3). Within T3.3 IOM will also lead on the individual sub-task which will advancement current PBPK modelling of single-component nanomaterials to address multi-component nanomaterials. IOM are the WP lead for WP7, will assist in establishing the collaboration between the EU and USA (T7.1) and between the EU and Africa (T7.3), and lead in the establishing a collaboration between the EU and Asia-Pacific (T7.2). IOM will work in conjunction with all NanoEHS centres of excellence from these regions, who are already participating in WP7, to work towards a common strategy for the Safe and Sustainable by Design of multicomponent nanomaterials.


Heriot-Watt University
