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CUSP workshops on human health risk assessment frameworks for MNPs invites you to take part in the third of a three-part series of workshops on the health risk assessment of micro- and nanoplastics

About the workshop:

This third workshop, organized by WG5 Risk Assessment and PlasticsFatE, will have a more practical focus.

After a brief review of the results of the first and second workshops in terms of data needs, the different CUSP projects will describe the types of data needed for tools to characterize MNP risks. The point is to capture the specific requirements and have a structured discussion to determine if the tools are compatible with the data produced or if there are gaps.

Sometimes the data will need to be processed first before it can be used in the tools. In addition, the quality of the studies in which the data were produced also plays a role. These two topics will be addressed in the second part of the workshop. A third presentation in this session will give an introduction to possible data sources and the available data types and definitions.


This event is free of charge and open to all interested stakeholders including researchers, those involved in policy-making, and anyone interested in the risk assessment of MNPs.

A Zoom meeting link will be sent to you automatically upon registration and proceedings will be shared afterwards.


The agenda for the workshop is below and also available here

If you have any questions about the event, please contact or

About CUSP  

There is widespread scientific evidence on the ubiquity of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in the environment around CUSP. The tiny particles which result from the degradation of larger plastics or which are manufactured and added to products for different purposes find their way into the human body through the food we eat, the water we drink or the very air we breathe. Yet, so far, we know little about the risks they pose to human health. 

For this reason, the European Commission has decided to fund five research projects - AURORA, ImpToxPLASTICHEAL, PlasticsFatE and POLYRISK - that together form the European Research Cluster to Understand the Health Impacts of Micro- and NanoPlastics: CUSP. They will collaborate in gathering policy-relevant scientific data to improve the risk assessment of MNPs on human health.

How to Engage:

Follow CUSP on Twitter and LinkedIn and visit the CUSP website to learn more about their aims, results, and opportunities to engage.

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