International Network Initiative on Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnologies (INISS-nano)
Publication category: Concept Paper
Publication date: June 21, 2021
Author: Andreas Falk
Abstract: Based on the idea of a “network of networks”, the “international network initiative on safe and sustainable nanotechnology” (INISS-nano) was formed, aiming to bring together science, industry and government from partners all over the world, not duplicating structures but connecting with them (e.g. NSC, ANF, EC & JRC, EU-US-CoR’s, standardisation bodies (such as CEN, ISO, ASTM, etc.), OECD & BIAC, ECHA). The focus shall be on the collaboration in different fields pertaining to nanotechnology research in general and nano-safety research in particular. This shall include collaboration in terms of e.g. training, standardisation efforts, test-guidelines development, metrology, commercialisation, ethical aspects, sustainability, and joint research, supporting governance, regulatory guidance, and of course being open for further joint working items.