GreenDecision (GD)

GreenDecision (GD) is a spin-off company of University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (UNIVE). Its mission is to transfer to European consortia and the private sector knowledge and experience generated for over a decade of research and development of strategies, modelling tools and software-based systems for risk assessment and management of chemicals and nano(bio)technologies used in consumer products and medicine.

GD offers to private and public clients advanced and highly qualified support in the science and technology sectors by providing tailored software solutions able to integrate data and modelling tools in order to address our clients’ objectives in cost-effective manner.

Role in the project:

GD acts as a SUNSHINE beneficiary. Its contribution is expected mainly in WPs 1, 3, 4 and 5. In these WPs the company will develop the SIA e-infrastructure software (WP1) and will develop in silico (machine learning) models (WP3), especially to facilitate grouping of MCNMs and read-across of information (WP4) for SbD purposes. GD will also develop the methodology for pairwise similarity assessment and the tool for read-across (WP4). In WP5, GD will develop criteria and guiding principles for Sustainable by Design (WP5). GD will also participate to the stakeholder engagement, dissemination and exploitation activities of the project (WP8).


Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation (TECNALIA)


Heriot-Watt University