Grouping and read-across framework
To expand the existing approaches for grouping and read-across of single component NMs and adapt them for MCNMs.
WP4 will use the knowledge and data generated by WPs 2 and 3 to systematically assess the relevance of existing grouping and read-across frameworks developed for monoconstituent NMs (e.g. GRACIOUS, DF4NanoGrouping) with respect to MCNMs. To this end, a methodology for ‘pairwise’ assessment of similarity between nanoforms will be further advanced to address the unique properties and interactions of the MCNMs, and relevant grouping and read-across hypotheses for MCNMs will be identified/developed. In order to cost-efficiently generate the data needed to make justified grouping decisions, WP4 will devise, test and implement IATA of experimental and modelling tools, adapted in WP2 and WP3 for MCNMs.
Key Outcomes
Similarity assessment and grouping approaches to enable read-across of information for S&SbD and risk assessment purposes.
Work Package Leader